Across the pond

News from the UK about genetically modified wheat. Thanks to the Real Bread Campaign for keeping us informed:

‘In 2010 UK farmers grew enough wheat to cover an area 90% the size of Wales. But this spring Rothamsted Research will plant an open air trial of a new genetically modified (GM) strain of wheat in Hertfordshire. It’s a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist, and a growing number of people, organisations and businesses are saying it just isn’t worth the risk.’

To read more click here 

For more on Genetically modified wheat in Canada click here and see this list of 10 reasons why we don’t want GM wheat.

And, on a less depressing note, a simple way to keep your bread fresh and lookin’ good. A reusable bread bag. These ones are handmade in England.

Educational initiative misrepresented

If all press is good press than Lawns to Loaves is doing very well! The initiative was featured in Maclean’s article 99 stupid things the government spent your money on. At least we were in good company, there were a number of environmental and social projects making the list – and a lot of them sound like good ideas to me!

Our response to the editor:

We were excited to see our small grass-roots project highlighted in Macleans. Thank you for drawing attention to the important topic of food and health in Canada. In number 35 on your list of stupid things the government spent your money on, you highlight the Lawns to Loaves project as an initiative “through which 30 homeowners in the city could replace their grass lawns with wheat.”

Beyond growing wheat in a number of private, school and community gardens, the Environmental Youth Alliance also worked with hundreds of youth to educate them about healthy food choices and where their food comes from. Engaging these youth in hands on opportunities to: plant, thresh, mill and bake wheat they grew themselves, was cited as a transformative experience by both the youth and high school teachers we engaged.

The majority of the $5000 we received was used to develop educational programming and support local schools in an ongoing effort to promote more participatory, hands-on learning experiences related to healthy food choices and environmental stewardship. 


The Environmental Youth Alliance Team